Beyond Chaos - 2024
Over the last three years (2022 thru 2024) Michael has been working on projects with Julius Horsthuis, a fractal artist from Amsterdam (www.julius-horsthuis.com).
This is music Michael composed for Julius’s “Beyond Chaos”, a 3D moving fractal installation at Experimenta in Germany. Experimenta is one of Europe’s largest domes with 3D projection and 30 channel immersive sound. READ MORE
Morning Jewel - Remaster 2024
"Reflecting back, the creation of the Morning Jewel album in 1978 came about from my curiosity and exploration of recording organic sounds in nature as well as an interest in microtonal tunings. Capturing the environmental sounds became a meditation and inspiration. Intertwining those sources with my music contributed a literal 'organic' quality to 'Morning' Working with a microtonal scale and instrument brought the mathematics inherent in the natural world to 'Jewel,' lending it a more 'organic' feeling." READ MORE
Planetary Unfolding 2022 Remaster
Michael’s “epic” Serge synthesizer album, in 6 movements. The Earth as a mass of sounds held together through resonance. Everything alive, atoms, cells, the Earth’s core, oceans, plants, animals and humans, the seen and the unseen, all creating a complex orchestration… the Earth as a being of sound. The Earth within the cosmos, the cosmos a vibrating orchestration with a resonance so complex and deep we hear nothing, no-thing, and are engulfed by a vast and tender silence.
by Steve Roach / Michael Stearns
"Twenty-six years after their noted collaboration KIVA (1995), American electronic music originators Steve Roach and Michael Stearns’ orbits return to a point on the horizon between and beyond worlds. Their mastery of tactile sonic environments meld into boundary-defying music creating a language of transcending and transformative experiences. These seven captivating tracks are born from a devotion to the power of sound. Within realms of elemental, primordial, celestial and deep emotion, the enveloping influence is found within the natural world of forests, deserts, canyons, mountains and the beyond."
“Checking in deeply after decades apart,” Steve reflects, “Michael and I found we both chose to live in places away from cities, close to the natural world. The ongoing influence of the environment we live in gives us another level of going past the day to day. Out my window, I look seventy-five miles to the horizon, horizon is home. We’re both at home in our element, present in one’s self while focused on something far in the distance, moving towards it, pulling us out there.” READ MORE